First Degree Reiki

The word Reiki translates into "Universal Life Energy". It is an ancient spiritual healing art that works by the simple laying on of hands. Touch carries many healing qualities: caring, nurturing, comfort, support, and love. We all have the ability to tap into this energy system to benefit all levels of our being: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Participants will:
- learn the history and origin of Reiki
- learn the hand positions used during a treatment
- give and receive a Reiki treatment
- receive the First Degree Reiki attunement
- receive First Degree Reiki certification

Prerequisites: none
Instructor: Deb Velders
Date: coming soon
Fee: $150
Location: Evansville Yoga Center

Registration is necessary in advance.

To sign up, contact Deb at 812.909.3814 or

Class size is limited to 6 people.